Business Installment Loans

Business Installment Loans

Grassroots Funding Business Installment Loan and Financing Program is designed for entrepreneurs, businesses of all sizes who need a business loan. 

A business installment loan provides a fixed amount of capital that a small business can use to cover business costs. The business then pays back the loan in monthly installments that include both principal and interest for the duration of the loan term.

  • Id & social (color / front & back 
  • Copy of all 3 credit reports (full) 680+ All 3!
  • Identify que log in- credit to monitor service to verify credit score
  • Proof of Established business (minimum business of 2 Years)
  • 6-month business statements 
  • 2-year tax returns for business owner 
  • Article of corporation (proof of business)
  • Personal financial statement from business
  • List of all assets- (what you own out right?)
  • Whatever the asset is we need the classification, ex: house, car, etc. and the current value
  • List of assets- list of what they don’t own out right (not yours)
  • Whatever the asset is we need the classification, ex: house/ car/What’s it worth? & what do they owe for it?
  • Receive Cash directly from Lender
  • P&L imbalance sheet (last two years)
  • Executive Summary


We need the same information on anyone else who owns 20% or more on the business